Repo! The Genetic Opera is much like an amazing never ending rock music video. Now the only other opera I have ever seen was something that was in Italian with subtitles when I was 12 years old and personally I loved it, but compared to that this completely blew my mind! However I'm not sure if I should review this like a movie or an opera...I'm gonna go movie so that I can at least pretend to know what I'm talking about. There are a lot of great aspects about this film due to the fact that it's produced by the same producers as Saw as well as the fact that it may as well be an amazing Gothic Rock music video. The lighting is good, the cinematography is good, and the music is better than anything else in this movie.
Like I said before this is like a cool rock music video, so I'll start with the lighting, effects, and cinematography. All of these are fantastic, there are scenes were guts are spilling everywhere and you can't tell they're fake! Plus the city is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic town built on top of the dead and it looks just like it and gives off the vibe. The camera angles and the way it's shot are perfect for all the moods it tries to give off (mostly grim, but that is the tone of a tragic opera). My favorite scene that portrays all of these is when Blind Mag (Sarah Brightman) shows up at Shilo's (Alexa Vega) house and sings Chase the Morning to Shilo. Her eyes project memories of Marni (Sarah Power) who is Shilo's mother. The lights shine on Blind Mag in the foyer while Shilo watches from the stairs. She seems like an angel as she gives Shilo the only bit of advice any mother figure has ever given her. It's a dramatic and perfectly executed scene.
The plot is of course amazing. If you saw the movie Repo Men (2010) then you know the very loose basis of the plot. There was a serious disease and a company offering organ implants saved all, but at a price. They were able to reposses the organs if you couldn't pay. However, Repo! The Genetic Opera focuses on a young girl named Shilo whose father is Repo Man due to some very unfortunate circumstances after his wifes death. I won't go into much more detail, but I will say that it's got a good twist and it keeps your attention.
The acting is also very good, my personal favorite being the Graverobber (Terrance Zdunich). He acts almost as a narrator throughout the opera and is fantastic in his role. Also, I love his voice! All the other actors and actresses are amazing as well, even Paris Hilton. Her singing really isn't as awful as you'd think. I have to give the biggest credit to Alexa Vega, Anthony Head, and Sarah Brightman. They did great and were greatly believable in their roles. I had no clue the first two could sing so well.
I strongly believe you should see this movie if you like rock music, can stomach a little gore, and don't have strong views against violence in films. There's a little bit about drugs (fictional drugs, but still) and some skimpy outfits (plus a little nudity). Also there is a lot of surgery and blood, so personally I don't recommend this for kids under 13, but that's up to their parents. I thouroughly enjoyed this film, and hope that you do as well. Just pray the Repo Man doesn't come knocking at your door.
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