1. Ian Somerhalder, 33. Mostly known for his performance as Damon Salvatore on The Vampire Diaries or from his short appearance in Lost (he died in season 2 I believe?)
2. Henry Cavill, 29. His most recent notable role was Theseus in Immortals.
3. Matt Bomer, 34. Stars on USA's show White Collar as a con man with sex appeal. Also plays Ken in Magic Mike (and might I say that the rumors about his sexuality being a problem for this role are completely ridiculous...the man is sexy even if he's gay)
4. Alexander Skarsgard, 35. Known mostly for his role as Eric Northman on True Blood, the vampire porn show on HBO (and that's not an insult...I like the show, but it basically is vampire porn)
5. Jessie Pavelka, 29. I really haven't heard of anything he's been in...so here's a link to his IMDB page
6. Shia LaBeouf, 26. He was in Holes. More recently though he played in Eagle Eye and did fairly well.
Well I guess this is going to turn into a big article on who the best Christian Grey might be, but I'm okay with that since that is what most people are interested in knowing about this movie...as stated those six men are the top picks by everyone so far (according to most of the sites I read). Other picks include Ryan Gosling, Channing Tatum, and Joe Manganiello. As far as the actual casting goes, E.L. James tweeted "I am not making any comments on casting the movie. No one is ruled out or in yet - far too early." I will agree with her, it's way too early to tell anything about casting. However, with the rumors of the actors interested and the multitude of young suave actors who could be approached for the part I'm sure whoever is chosen will be a perfect Mr. Grey. On a final note, my only real hopes for this movie are that they don't make it too Romeo-and-Juliet-esque and that the casting is done decently. I do apologize for this being solely about one topic, but hopefully I'll be able to write more when more information is available and I'm not looking at 2 AM (also I partly wrote this just to get something new out since I haven't posted in so long). Here's a teaser trailer that was recently released starring Matt Bomer and Alexis Bledel as a thank you for putting up with my rambling about Christian Grey...Laters, baby ;)
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