Dear God what can any human being say about this film? And yes, you have to call it a film because (unlike the first film in this series) it wasn't just made for the shock factor. While this film thoroughly disgusted me it was also very well played out and was actually good. If you didn't see the first one then you don't know how pointless and awful it was. Quite honestly the only reason it gained any popularity was due to the fact that tosh.0 featured his own commentary and it was about people being sewn yeah. The whole point was the shock factor. However, this film took it to a whole new level of shock factor and a good plot. This movie shocked me, repulsed me, intrigued me, and made me want to vomit at the same time.
The plot of this movie actually made sense and was fully explained, which compared to the first one was a shock. The first doesn't explain why the Doctor is fascinated with sewing people together and create a human centipede, while this fully explains Martin's obsession with creating a 12 person centipede. That's all I can say about the plot because the rest simply made me want to puke.
I know it is twisted to say this, but this movie was good. It was very psychological and it completely mind fucks you. This movie is definitely not for the feint of heart. It is a complete mind fuck that is twisted in so many ways that it actually manages to be good (in a very twisted sense of the word). The shots in this movie are good, the lighting is good, and the background noise (almost like a soundtrack) is also good. The leading actor Laurence Harvey is amazing at this role which quite honestly scares me a little bit... but in short I think you should watch this film if you want to throw up or if you can stomach all of the disgusting butchery to see the twisted vision that is this film.
Seriously, this is a warning now...if you watch this film (even though it is in black and white) there is blood, murder, cutting, sawing, hacking, sewing, babies dying, and it shows it all. GRAPHICALLY. Watch at your own risk.