Saturday, April 14, 2012

Titanic (my heart will go on)

(There was a really snazzy introduction, but due to shitty formatting it got erased. I apologize)

  Let's start with the overall movie itself. Can I just say that James Cameron you are a genius. I mean for 1997 this has great cinematography and is so well put together! I do have to make fun of some scenes though...the sex scene? That is the steamiest sex scene I have ever scene! I mean dang, I've never had sex that hot (I freakin wish though, haha)! And any scene with the mother in it...God that woman is such a bitch!!! I mean she is so evil, and James Cameron added little touches to make sure she comes off as more hateful (notice her features, and the fact that her hair

is always up in a tight bun. While a character like Rose has her air down half the time). And how about when Caledon gives Rose the necklace? He basically says, "Yes dear, I know you hate my guts, but I'm giving you this shiny diamond so you better open your heart to me," then proceeds to escalate to a violent state throughout the movie, eventually hitting her. And his only redeeming feature is that he has a large vocabulary, which I must say sounds absolutely ridiculous coming out of his mouth. He just has that air of arrogance and stupidity around him. At least Rose tells him what she thinks of him when she last sees him, calling him an unimaginable bastard and telling him she'd rather be Jack's whore than his wife. Power to ya girl! Although I will admit running to the level filling with water isn't your brightest idea (a sweet gesture, but a dumb sweet gesture). Another stupid idea was jumping off the life-boat. That did you some good didn't it? You're ex-fiance started shooting at you and your soon-to-be-dead-new-boyfriend. That girl did make some wonderful decisions didn't she? The final scene I want to poke fun at is when Rose and Jack try to save that small foreign kid after running from Cal...the dad comes up and yells at them in another language clearly upset. Yeah, some people try to help and you scream at them? I do hope you drowned kind sir. I hope the kid lived though. Ok I lied...there is so much more that I want to make fun of, but I'll pick just one more then drop it...why did Rose throw the heart of the ocean into the ocean at the end? I mean seriously...I get the point behind it, but seriously??? Your entire family would have been set for all their lives and you throw it inot the ocean...your mom was right, you are selfish!!!
   Let's talk about the cast next. While I'm not one of the girls that can find Leonardo DiCaprio sexy, I can see him for what he is, a fantastic actor. Especially in this movie. And Kate Winslet can I just say bravo my dear. You embodied grace in this movie then proceeded to tear it apart piece by piece. I can't even begin to name all of the great actors and actresses and they're parts. And I do realize some of them were still unknown at the time, but that doesn't make them any less great.
   The last thing I'd like to discuss is the impact of this movie (although I'm not truly qualified, I have an opinion). To me it shows the true nature of people. In crisis we really do let our true colors show. For some it's sacrifice and courage, for others selfishness and greed. I'm not going to say these aren't the only types of people in the world, but I do want it to be shown that there is every type of person. This is why we have every type of extremist under the sun. That's about as deep as I'll get, so let's wrap this up...
   As I watched the most depressing scenes in this movie I cried (yup, I'm a big sappy puddle of emotions, what can you expect?). I cried and cried, because it really is sad watching all those people die. And can you imagine what they all went through? It truly was a tragedy and I don't think a lot of people fully understand it. There were roughly 2,200 people on that boat...and almost every sinlge one of them died. It truly was a great tragedy and today of all days is a day to remember them.
There was room for him on that door Kate Winslet. You know it, I know it, and everyone in the world knows it.

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